Make an Impact
If you are inspired by the mission & work of Soteria & would like to get involved, let us know!
We regularly schedule training sessions for our volunteers for individuals, organized groups, and churches. To get started, please submit a Volunteer Application.
Monetary Donations
If you are interested in supporting our work financially, please click the button below to give any amount you like.
Items to Donate
Individuals come to Soteria straight from prison, often with just the shirts on their backs. We are always in need of clothing and shoes.
We also appreciate any carpentry tools and supplies to use in our job training program, Soteria at Work, where we use woodworking to teach job skills.
Items for Men:
First Day Kits (Bible, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, soap, deodorant, shaving cream, socks, bottled water, washcloths)
Men’s clothing (gently-used, M-XL)
Men’s shoes
Boxer shorts
Non-perishable food items
Items for Women:
First Day Kits (Bible, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, soaps, deodorant, hair care, feminine products, socks, bottled water, washcloths)
Women’s Clothing (gently-used, S-XL)
Women’s shoes
Underwear, Bras & Gift Cards for special sizing
Coats, Jackets, Raincoats
Non-perishable food items
Donation Drop-off Location:
210 Shaw Street
Greenville, SC 29609
Mentors take the time to visit our previously incarcerated interns on a regular basis and spend time both getting to know them and also providing encouragement and support. Consistency is key here. Mentors can decide with their mentees how often to visit, but once set – their job is to be a source of stability and trust.
Correspondence Mentor
When people talk about what helped them decide to turn their lives around, they often credit a correspondence mentor. Someone from the outside community who cares and stays in touch with them can make all the difference.
Soteria CDC will match you with an incarcerated individual, and all letters to and from your mentee will be sent through Soteria and screened.
Professional Service
The guys that enter Soteria have spent years or even lifetimes engulfed in a world where trust, stability, and healthy relationships are foreign entities. They come to Soteria to start a new life, but that is not an easy task. We need professionals to help treat and guide these men, so we are always looking for:
Medical Care
Substance Abuse Counseling
Relationship Counseling
Financial Management
Teach Woodworking
Our job training program, Soteria At Work, trains our residents to build furniture from reclaimed wood. We are looking to build one-on-one relationships between our guys and woodworkers in the community. These volunteers combine mentoring with skill-building.
Board Member
We are looking for motivated individuals to support, lead, and represent Soteria’s work in the greater community.
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
We can’t say it enough. Employment may be the most critical component of what we do at Soteria. If men cannot find work, they will return to the streets. At Soteria, we not only want to find jobs for our guys, but we want to help them build a career in their fields of interest.
We match guys who want to own restaurants with jobs in hospitality. We help those with a future in a salon enroll in Barber training. If a guy has a dream career, then Soteria goes out into the community to find opportunity for that dream to become a reality.
Work with us.
Our men have completed life skills training, financial management classes, and have first held down jobs under our own umbrella with Soteria At Work.
Call us at 864.272.0681 to discuss potential opportunities.
Soteria was instrumental in getting “Ban the Box” passed in the City of Greenville - a measure that the city made in 2019 to encourage employers to get to know their applicants before inquiring about their criminal backgrounds..
Walk in the Shoes of Individuals Just Released from Prison
Find out first hand the realities and challenges of Reentry by attending a Reentry Simulation hosted by Soteria Community Development Corporation. You will receive the profile of an individual upon release from prison and then navigate through the various requirements, realities, and challenges that individuals typically face. By experiencing these complex obstacles and barriers, we not only gain visibility into the individuals perspectives but also discover innovative ways to help these individuals succeed.
Soteria hosts Reentry Simulations that are open to the Greenville Community. Look for upcoming Simulations on our Events Page.
Soteria hosts Reentry Simulations for Universities, Conferences, Churches, and Corporations. If you would like for us to host one for your group, let us know!
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